Iran’s potato is a one-year-old plant that we use from the tubers in its root. Its initial birthplace was in South America and was first brought to Iran by Mirza Malkum Khan, which was originally called “Plum Malekm”, and now it is known in some cities of Iran that potatoes are called plums.
Potato stalks and leaves contain a toxic called solanin, so it should not be consumed, but diluted decoction uses these leaves as a sedative and calming nerve.
The most important main ingredient in potatoes is starch, which usually consists of 9 to 25 percent, hence it is a useful ingredient that is less affected by pests and easier to grow than grains. Today, Russia and Germany are the largest potato producers.
Potatoes are high in vegetables containing vitamin C and every 100 grams of potatoes have 20 to 25 milligrams of vitamin C and is useful for supplying the vitamin C needed to prevent gingivitis, but it’s important to stay healthy Inadequate storage and curing of a large amount of vitamin C is wasted. To make Potatoes lose less vitamin C, try to buy and maintain it at low levels and cook it with the skin. To bake, first bring the water in a boil. Then pour potatoes into it and remove them after baking and do not let them stay warm. Potato in addition to vitamin C contains other useful materials such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.
Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin B6. A cup of cooked potatoes will provide 21% B6 of your daily requirement. You know, many of the enzymes in the body, especially those involved in protein transformations, are in need of B6, so we need B6 to produce new cells. B6 is vital for athletes and helps prepare and rebuild their body. So, it’s best to use it in their diet. B6 is also useful in preventing cancer. So, it’s better for adults and the elderly to replace potato starch once a week at least once a week.
Baking it as tan and barbecue preserves potato, but frying it and chips that are common in our country is the worst kind of baking. Eating this form of potatoes is harmful to children, and it is difficult for adults to eat too much oil, except with its oil net.
Other Potato Properties:
– Potatoes increase urine, thus beneficial for kidneys and bladders.
– Potatoes contain enzymes that are very useful for healing gastric ulcers, and to heal externally swollen ovens, cooked it warm on a damaged site that heals.
– The raw milk put it on the site of burns and eyelids (although it should be completely sterile) and very soothing.
A few tips about potatoes:
– If you squirt a little bit of salt, pour some potatoes into it to remove excess salt.
– Nutmeg with milk is a good mask for your skin.
– If you boil the potatoes in the kettle, it will remove the calcareous cream.
– To remove solanine poison, you can cook it in water and vinegar, and throw away the baking water.
One important note:
Potato sprouting increases the amount of solanine and its high consumption causes poisoning. So separate the buds and green parts under the skin.
The best potato home storage method:
Put it in small volumes in wooden boxes that are at the bottom of the warehouse or at a storage location of 40 centimeters. The temperature of the storage location is preferably 4 degrees above zero and also dark so that it does not sprout.
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