Henna from Iran

Henna from Iran

This henna is high quality and is suitable for export which is completely hygienic and in various pre-packaged and standard packages and you can call high mobile number regarding henna sales.
Price is agreed upon.

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licorice from Iran

licorice from Iran

This type of licorice is high quality and is most suitable for export which is completely hygienic, in different packages and with standard and testing of different reporters beforehand. .

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Garlic Properties for the Cardiovascular System

Adesh Kay Jin, a physician at the Clinical Research Center and Toulon Medical School in New Orleans, reported last year that garlic can lower cholesterol levels, and in particular low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood.

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Garlic History

The garlic with the scientific name Allium sativum is a plant of Asparagales and is from the Nargisian and underneath of the Alliaceae and Allium.

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Why should you fast the garlic?

Garlic is a native Indian plant, and if it is taken fast, it works like a completely antibiotic

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Who gets the most from eating garlic?

Garlic has a warm and dry temperament and, according to traditional medicine experts, is a plant that has three types of desert, clay and mountain and is useful for the treatment of sexual cold, hair loss, heart disease and blood pressure.

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