Whether fresh or dried, it’s good for you and it has benefits. In normal condition, dried fruit can be a good snack for the loss of hunger and can be kept for a long time and can be a good alternative to fresh fruit outside of the season.
Despite the benefits of dry fruits, experts believe that the most important aspect of the distinction of fresh fruit with fresh fruits is evaporation of water containing significant amounts of nutrients. However, dried fruits for use in certain conditions, such as seasonal changes or use in Exercise such as a climber that can not carry a lot of weight is useful. Doctors recommend that, if possible, at least two glasses of crushed fruit are consumed at least once a day, which, if fresh, will be better.
Dried fruit sales are the only food group that has all the nutritional value and is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which should be used to keep them healthy and safe from any illness.
Iran is the second largest producer and exporter of dried fruits in the world after Turkey. Dried fruits can be a good snack. Rye is the most common type of dried fruit.
Dry fruits Almost all of its water content has been removed by drying the fruit. The fruit is shrunk during this process, small and energetic.
One of the sweet and delicious snacks is the dried fruits. You can make these fruits useful as a kid to eat and use them instead of unhealthy snacks.
Dried fruits are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and pantothenic acid, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper and manganese, and each 100 grams of dried fruit is about 250 calories per day. There is 1 to 5 grams of protein.
Rye is the most common type of fruit dried, followed by dates, plums, figs and apricots. Other types of dry fruits are also available, sometimes sweet and in the form of sugar covered. These fruits are mango, pineapple, blueberries, bananas and apples.
Dried ham fruit can be stored for a much longer period than fresh fruits, and especially for long journeys where the refrigerator is not available. Dried fruits can be a good snack.
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Dried fruit, useful for the body:
o Raisins may reduce the risk of disease. Grape raisins are dried. Eating raisins reduces blood pressure, improves blood sugar control, improves heart sensation and helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Dried plum is a natural laxative, the prune may help prevent heart disease and cancer, the plum is very rich, and does not increase blood glucose levels, and can also help fight osteoporosis.
Dates may be useful in pregnancy, and regular eating during the last few weeks of pregnancy may facilitate cervical dilation and also reduce the need for labor aid. Dates have shown promising results in treating infertility in men.
Should I add sugar to dried fruit?
To make some of the dried fruits sweet and appetizing, they cover them with sugar or syrup before drying. The dried fruits that are added to the sugar are called sweet fruits. Added sugar has been shown repeatedly and repeatedly to have harmful effects on health as it increases the risk of developing obesity, heart disease and even cancer.
Method of drying fruit, keeping dried fruit, dried fruit
The production of dried fruit in Iran is more than the domestic need for export
Dried Fruits, Lost Ring on Export of Dried Fruits:
Iran is the second largest producer and exporter of dried fruits in the world after Turkey. The need for some countries to dry fruits is due to their climatic conditions that prevent the production of fruit in their country.
Dried fruit sales in Iran and the export of dried fruits are more than domestic needs for export, and for this purpose, agricultural machinery can increase both the production capacity and the quality of products. The government alone will not be able to export dried fruit, but the presence of the private sector in the major sale of dried fruit and packaging of dried fruit products in the country could lead to Iran’s victory over other rivals on the market.
Dried fruit, Dried fruit properties, Dried fruits
Dried fruit is an ancient eating
Handle and eat nuts!
In Shoosh, Gilan, and Lorestan, we saw some signs and symptoms of human availability six thousand years ago, the old men provided for the continuation of feeding and abdominal trauma in different seasons of the year. It can be said that not only 6,000 years ago, but 6 million years ago, human beings kept food in different ways.
In the winter and the ice, the ground was not a green tree, nor a fruit in work, it was not possible to eat fresh food, and there was no fridge-freezer that could be fermented fresh and fresh in the winter, but roughly in the caves All archaeologists encountered documentation of dried fruits that human beings enjoy.
Nuts and dried fruits have anti-cancer properties:
Nuts and nuts like hazelnuts, walnuts and pistachios play an important role in providing health to the body. These foods are nutritious, and these foods are sources of protein, minerals, and antioxidant vitamins.
The brains are one of the most important sources of selenium that the micronutrient is required to provide for the health of the immune system, it also has some anticancer properties and reduces the incidence of prostate, lung and intestinal cancers by about 50%. It also prevents the progression of breast cancer in women and the onset of prostate problems in men.
Rye is the most common type of fruit dried, followed by dates, plums, figs and apricots. Other types of dry fruits are also available, sometimes sweet and in the form of sugar covered. These fruits are mango, pineapple, blueberries, bananas and apples.
Dried fruit can be stored for much longer periods of time than fresh fruits, and especially for long journeys where the refrigerator is not available. Dried fruits can be a good snack.
Dried fruit, useful for the body:
o Raisins may reduce the risk of disease. Grape raisins are dried. Eating raisins reduces blood pressure, improves blood sugar control, improves heart sensation and helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Dried plum is a natural laxative, the prune may help prevent heart disease and cancer, the plum is very rich, and does not increase blood glucose levels, and can also help fight osteoporosis.
Dates may be useful in pregnancy, and regular eating during the last few weeks of pregnancy may facilitate cervical dilation and also reduce the need for labor aid. Dates have shown promising results in treating infertility in men.
Did you add sugar to dried fruit?
To make some of the dried fruits sweet and appetizing, they cover them with sugar or syrup before drying. The dried fruits that are added to the sugar are called sweet fruits. Added sugar has been shown repeatedly and repeatedly to have harmful effects on health as it increases the risk of developing obesity, heart disease and even cancer.
Major fruit sales are more than domestic needs for export, and for this purpose, agricultural machinery can increase both the production capacity and the quality of the products. The government alone can not export dried fruit, but the presence of the private sector in the production and packaging of dried fruit products in the country can lead to Iran’s victory over other rivals on the market.
Handle and eat nuts!
In Shoosh, Gilan, and Lorestan, we saw some signs and symptoms of human availability six thousand years ago, the old men provided for the continuation of feeding and abdominal trauma in different seasons of the year. It can be said that not only 6,000 years ago, but 6 million years ago, human beings kept food in different ways.
In the winter and the ice, the ground was not a green tree, nor a fruit in work, it was not possible to eat fresh food, and there was no fridge-freezer that could be fermented fresh and fresh in the winter, but roughly in the caves All archaeologists encountered documentation of dried fruits that human beings enjoy.
Dried fruits are good for health
Dried fruit types have beneficial and effective therapeutic effects, without any side effects. They are nutritious and provide energy for the body. In fact, dry fruits, like a natural capsule, can work to maintain the health of the body.
Everyone should take care of their health. To have a healthy body, you should have good nutrition and exercise enough.
Natural food such as nuts and nuts, fruits, vegetables and cereals are very effective in maintaining health.
Dried fruits are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, salts and enzymes. They digest easily and cause blood purification and cleansing of the stomach and intestines.
Diseases caused by the use of artificial foods can be improved by the consumption of fruits.
Dry fruits and nuts, although small in size, are very tasty and have a lot of therapeutic effects.
Dried fruit sales are dry in two ways:
1- Naturally
2- With the machine, like a food dryer
Raisins, dates and dried plums are examples of these. Other fruits that can be dried include apples, apricots, bananas, berries, kiwi, figs, mangoes, peaches, pears, pineapples, strawberries, tomatoes and persimmons.
Dried fruit types can be kept for a long time, so it is a good alternative to fresh fruit outside of the season, such as the consumption of prunes or dry cherries in the winter.
Exporting fruit is a good way to keep it out of the refrigerator, so there’s no need for a fridge.
Dried fruits are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and pantothenic acid, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper and manganese.
Each 100 grams of dried fruit has about 250 calories of energy and 1 to 5 grams of protein.
Due to the reduction of water in the fruit during the drying process (approximately 7 parts out of 8 parts of water it disappears), the dried fruit will taste better. But it should be noted that the heat used to dry the fruits is largely responsible for the loss of vitamin C in the fruit.
Fruits that dry outdoors (in the industry or in stores) add a substance called sulfur oxide, which can cause asthma in susceptible individuals. Sulfur is used to fix the color of the fruit.
Fruits that are naturally dried without the addition of sulfur (such as drying raisins in the shade or in the sun) have a darker color than fresh fruit, but their taste is similar to fresh fruit.
Of course, to some extent, the color of some fruits can be fixed after cutting, adding a small amount of a strong detergent; for example, adding a little bit of lemon juice to apple cut pieces.
Fresh fruit or dried?
Despite the benefits of dry fruits, experts believe that the most important thing to differentiate between dried fruits and fresh fruits is evaporation of water, which contains significant amounts of nutrients.
Of course, buying and selling dried fruit is beneficial for use in certain circumstances, such as seasonal changes or use in exercises such as climbers that can not carry a lot of weight.
Doctors recommend that 2 glasses of crushed fruit be taken at least once a day. But if this is not possible, every half a cup of dried fruit is about equal to a glass of freshly squeezed fruit. For example, fresh apricots consist of 86% water and 104 calories of energy. But half a glass of dried apricot has 76% water and 212 calories.
Due to the increase in the calories of dried fruits, if you follow a slimming diet, they will not be consumed too much.
Physicians note that dried fruits should be consumed fresh with fresh fruits, and it is by no means a fresh fruit to replace fresh fruit.
Therefore, to have a healthy and strong body, always eat plenty of fresh and dried fruit.
Fruits are one of the major food groups in human nutrition, which is recommended to be consumed 3-4 times a day. Each unit of fruit has about 60 kilocalories of energy and an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals in the human body, and the amount of each unit of fruit can be, for example, 1 apple or 1 medium orange, a 400-gauge bowl, half a glass of cherry, and two thirds of a glass of strawberries.
Because keeping fresh fruit is not always possible, humans have always sought a way to keep fruit longer. Today, freezing is the best way to keep food at home, while many fruits, if frost-free, have an inappropriate quality and are generally used frozen as a result. They do not take For example, oranges, apples, watermelons or frozen bananas are not suitable for consumption. From ancient times, they used drying, jams, sugar, etc., to store fruits. Sugary nutmeg is actually dried fruit and is filled with powdered sugar. Fruits such as plums, peaches, berries and grapes are often used in dried form, plum, plum, blackberry and raisins. Even today, the use of dried fruits is very popular, and electric appliances are available to families for the rapid drying of fruits.
In most nuts and grocery stores, pudding drops (containing apples, kiwifruit, mangoes, bananas and other dried fruits) are sold. Carrying and keeping these fruits is less dry, easier, and more likely to be spoiled.
Having dry fruits on travel and exporting dried fruits, and the availability of these foods at home, makes it easier for people to have a decent nutrition than dry fruits. Different types of fruits are present in certain seasons; while all year round, they can enjoy the use of dried fruits.
Nutrition Difference between Fresh Fruits and Fresh Fruits
Dried fruit drying leaves some negative effects on their nutrients, most notably reducing or eliminating some of the vitamins (including vitamin C and folic acid). However, all changes in dry fruits are not just destructive, and sometimes there are special effects on the dry state of some fruits, which are less affected by the new ones. For example, dry prune has a more melancholy effect than fresh plums. It is similar to the same effect in dry figs and dry berries. Some dried fruits have antioxidants up to four times theirs. In fact, in dried fruits, the amount of these nutrients increases per unit volume due to the reduction in the amount of fruit. Exports of dried fruit due to high fiber, iron, selenium and high potassium are a good choice for people with a shortage of these materials. However, since the drying process results in significant loss of significant amounts of other nutrients (such as vitamin C and folic acid) and an increase in the percentage of energy and sugar in the fruits, the use of fresh fruits is recommended more.
Note: While drying fruits, contact with light and oxygen (at least to some extent) causes the nutrient content of the fruits to be degraded and reduced, but the consumption of dried fruits to make varieties of taste and as an alternative to all types of sweet snacks are unhealthy and Sweets are good. In general, fresh and dried fruits have beneficial nutritional properties, but dry fruits do not replace two to four units of recommended daily intake of fruits, and the best way to consume them in combination with fresh fruits or, for example, with cereals, or alongside Fresh fruits are welcome.
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