خواص سیر برای سیستم قلبی

Garlic Properties for the Cardiovascular System

Adesh Kay Jin, a physician at the Clinical Research Center and Toulon Medical School in New Orleans, reported last year that garlic can lower cholesterol levels, and in particular low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood.

Jane trained 900 mg of powdered pills daily for 20 men and women and compared them with 22 people who received only platinum. At the end of the 12-week study, the overall level of blood cholesterol in those taking garlic pills decreased to 6%, while in those who received darunca or placebo, this reduction was only 1%. People who ate garlic also saw a decrease of 11% in their LDL cholesterol, which was also much lower in the other group and only 3% in the other. “The garlic powder given to people in the form of a pill is completely tolerable to them and only made one upset in one of them,” she writes in the medical journal.

Garlic is also an anticoagulant of blood. – A natural drug to dilute the blood. Dr. H Kissotre of the University of Sarland, Hamburg, has recently discovered that garlic can help patients suffering from arterial occlusive disease that causes blood clots in the legs. Usually, these patients are asked to walk because blood flow increases the amount of these clots. But these patients soon became discouraged because of the pain that the pain caused in the person during the onset of the pain.

Dr. Kissotr received 32 mg daily of 800 mg of garlic powder tablets for 12 weeks and 32 placebo or placebo patients. Then measures the distance that can walk without pain. In the first weeks, both advanced groups looked like a common walking program. But over time, patients who used garlic powder were able to take one third of the way without pain. The researcher also reports that the benefits of garlic, which include lowering blood pressure, were observed shortly after patients had consumed garlic powder capsules.