licorice from Iran

licorice from Iran

licorice from Iran

This type of licorice is high quality and is most suitable for export which is completely hygienic, in different packages and with standard and testing of different reporters beforehand. .

Price is agreed upon. licorice from Iran

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is known to have many medicinal uses and its most important part and treatment is for people with gastric problems in most parts of Iran, especially in Khatam Marvast and eastern and northeastern cities. East and West Azerbaijan, Bakhtiari dynasty and Eqlid city can be found in abundance and Isfahan and traditional medicine are widely used. One of the most important and most famous indigenous medicinal plants of Iran is the sweet expression of Iran which is widely exported to the Persian Gulf and European countries. licorice from Iran

In general, the licorice is warm and dry in nature, with a stem of 1.5 meters and leaves composed of a number of opaque and green leaves and flowers of white, purple and yellow. licorice from Iran The main ingredient of this plant, glycyrrhizic acid, is a 4- to 5-fold sweetener of sucrose, widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.