Nuts are said to be a mixture of nuts, which differ in composition and composition depending on the tastes and different models. Sinegaster has a long history of exporting nuts and buying nuts and selling nuts in Iran and around the world at an affordable price.
Nuts and various compounds
When you go to the grocery store to buy nuts and sell nuts and export nuts, you will usually have a few major options. In other words, many vendors have already prepared several types of different combinations for your Nowruz nuts and wait for a hint to pour nuts into the dish and put them on the scales.
Some of these combinations include:
1) Salted Nuts: This type of nuts consists of pistachios, pumpkin seeds, Japanese seedlings, almonds, hazelnuts and Indian almonds. Some people add almonds to this aggregate. Unfortunately, this kind of nuts is the most common and popular type of nuts in Nowruz. Why, we say, unfortunately, the answer is simple and clear. Just look at the adjectives that accompany the word nuts: “Passion!” Who is the one who has not heard or read anything about the effects of increased salt intake and harmful risks these days?
2) Sweet Nuts: Includes Walnut, Raisins, Dried Berries, Hazelnuts, Pistachio Brains, Almonds, and Indian Almonds. Although this type of nuts is less popular than the rest of the nuts in Nowruz, the presence of walnuts in this compound is a very big advantage.
3) Four Brain Nuts: These nuts consist of almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts and Indian almonds.
4) Problems with nuts: Some people believe that the presence of nuts, even in small volumes, will be pleasant for the landlord, along with the main container of nuts or on the table, and, therefore, they make a little of this type of nuts. The problem with nuts is the combination of hazelnut, pistachio, almonds, dried berries, raisins, chick peas and quiche.
5) Personal taste: We all have a different option to buy Nowruz nuts, and this is our own style; this means we can buy any of the items of nuts to our liking and personal taste. Combine them together. Among the various items of nuts, customers are usually most welcomed from pistachios, and then, depending on the variety of seeds, almonds, Indian hazelnuts and hazelnuts, are considered.
6) Imported Nuts: Today, niche shops and niche stores, Indian, Thai and Japanese nuts are also available to customers for their colorful flavors. In this type of nuts, there are also strata, corn, chickpea and bean. Of course, it seems unlikely that anyone would want to decorate his eating table with East Asian colored nuts.
Sina Gostar Exporter of Nuts, Nuts Sale, Nuts Exports, Hamadan Nuts, Mixed Nuts, Nuts, Nuts
Reasons to love nuts
Exports of nuts are from dried fruits and brains that previously thought they had no nutritional value, fat and fat, and would be detrimental to the health of the body. But now, researchers think differently. Long-term scientific studies have shown that nuts can have a positive effect on the health of the body. Of course, provided that the nuts are used rationally and as part of a balanced diet.
Contrary to the perception of many who still suspect that such foodstuffs are nutritious, it should be said that the nuts constitute a source of protein, minerals, and antioxidant vitamins. The brains are in the meat pyramid, and they contain proteins, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and many other valuable minerals. The taste and shape of the nuts are tempting enough, but if you look for documented and scientific reasons for liking it,
A reason to love nuts:
1) Fat nuts, but the fat in nuts is unsaturated, which lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Most nuts contain 90% unsaturated fatty acids.
2) Nuts are the source of protein, vitamins and various minerals. Vitamin E (E) and arginine protein in nuts help maintain blood vessel health, reduce blood pressure and prevent heart attacks. Eating foods containing vitamins, such as nuts, reduces the risk of cancer. The antioxidants in this nutrient also prevent oxidation and damage to cells and the development of diseases such as diabetes.
3) Nuts are rich in fiber. Dietary fiber helps to soothe bowel movements and also creates a sense of satiety in the person and thus prevents overeating. Dietary fiber is also very useful in preventing colon malignancies.
4) The walnut, hazelnut, almond, pistachio, peanut and seed types have been proven to strengthen the body’s defense against external factors.
5) In addition to reducing blood cholesterol and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, the brain also has a significant effect on the prevention of osteoporosis and premature diseases.
The reasons for the panic of nuts
1) Nuts are high-calorie and each gram produces 5 calories of energy. In terms of nutritional value, a sauerkraut of nuts contains about 600 calories of energy. You know how much 600 calories? 2 rice plates! In other words, a saucer nuts can have as much as 2 rice plates in your fatness. That is why it is recommended that during the Nowruz, a meal program should be set up as other times, and the use of nuts and brains is minimized and balanced.
2) The presence of dense fat in nuts is effective in weight gain and obesity. Excessive consumption of nuts causes excessive accumulation of energy and excess fat in the body tissues and leads to weight gain. So if you’re very nuts and snacks, and whenever you go and see, you’re in the nuts, try to reduce the amount of food at every main meal, especially dinner, to make up for weight loss, and have enough physical mobility And exercise.
3) A lot of salt is usually used in the preparation of nuts. Therefore, the excessive use of nuts, especially if the amount of salt is more than normal, may have side effects, especially for cardiovascular patients, people with hypertension, and kidney patients.
4) Nuts If used as part of our daily nutritional energy as a supply source, there is no harm that is not useful. But patients with high blood pressure should be careful because research has shown that salting nuts can lead to sudden shock and cardiac arrest in people with high blood pressure. Based on one study in England, 120 hypertensive patients with mild cardiac arrest and comparing them with 120 blood pressure patients who did not experience cardiac arrest found that using salt nuts One of the main causes of cardiac arrest was in these patients. So it’s best that people with high blood pressure, if they want to eat nuts, use raw nuts as much as possible and cut off roasted nuts and salt in a red line.
5) Some items of nuts, especially sweet nuts, have a lot of adhesion and are very easy to stick to the teeth and remain in the oral cavity for hours. Remember to brush your teeth shortly after eating such materials to prevent their corruption.
6) Some ingredients in nuts, such as peanuts, act as allergens for some people. Allergen means a substance that can cause sensitization and allergy to a person. People who are allergic to peanut or other items in nuts are allergic to their use, which in some cases can be very severe and even fatal. Therefore, it is recommended that these individuals ignore nuts or those particular items. People with asthma should also avoid nuts and dill in general. In other words, these patients are forbidden to use dill and nuts.
7) Diabetics who already know their homework. These patients should calculate the approximate energy and carbohydrate intake of their daily nuts and reduce their total calories and intake of carbohydrates daily.
8) The last recommendation is that the elderly should use nuts as low as possible.
Recommendations for buying healthy nuts
The export of nuts is one of those foods that we all are accustomed to buying it in an open or so-called flap. Perhaps you, like many others, do not know your soul at all, so you can get nuts in the form of a packed sanitary napkin. Of course, many people also know this, but they prefer to make their purchase in a flip shape, and for this they have several reasons, including: Open nuts are cheaper than packed ones, you can buy them at least the desired amount. It can be tweaked and tested before you buy, and no additional charges will be paid for it.
But the reality is something else. Storage conditions, how to prepare and process, the amount and type of paint used and many other factors that play a role in the health of nuts. Preparing nuts packed with health certificates means that the buyer can be comfortable on these aspects.
Another very important point is that nuts and drips have the potential for contamination with fungal toxins such as aflatoxin. Industrial units are required to measure aflatoxin on their products, given the health certificates, regulations, and guidelines of the Ministry of Health, but these measurements are not carried out in traditional products of open nuts and dill, and the product can not be detected.
But if for any reason you prefer to make your purchase the same way as traditional, try to follow these tips when choosing and buying Norouz nuts:
1) Try to get as many candy nuts as possible from reputable stores that offer something of a quality and fresh quality. Avoid buying or buying from buyers.
2) When buying nuts, just note that. The new nuts should not have any unpleasant smell; no odor, no smell of persistence, no smell, no smell of perspiration.
3) Look carefully at the nuts. The presence of hole or mildew is a sign of aging nuts. If you saw the dead or living insects among the nuts, know that the nuts are old and corrupt.
4) Put some nuts in your fist and wait a bit. Then empty the nuts and see if you have painted the color on your hands or not. The return of the color is a sign that the nuts are unsafe. According to the instructions of the health authorities, the use of any color, even authorized colors, is prohibited in the production of nuts. It is not a bad thing to know that in the production and supply of packaged nuts and sanitary napkins, no color is used and, if necessary, use natural colors such as saffron and turmeric.
5) Another point in the color of the nuts is to avoid buying pistachios with a very yellow, shiny, or reddish-colored skin. Draw round the thick seeds. They force them to make artificial colors in this way.
6) Avoid smiles. Do you know how to make pistachios in a smile? They pour them in warm water to drain, then they are poured into a cold water dish to soothe their skin. This sudden temperature difference, or so-called thermal shock, negatively affects the quality of pistachios and, in addition, does not cause pistachios. These pistachios become corrupted sooner.
7) Smile grains are not a good choice to buy. The seeds of the brain when in the vicinity of the air, in addition to the taste, also lose their quality and become more corrupt than any type of sealant.
8. As already mentioned, who is really not aware of the harm done to salt? So try to make the gooseneck you choose not to be salty and less well-groomed.
9) Avoid buying and consuming painted nuts.
10) The colors used to color the seeds, almonds, etc., are mostly unauthorized and sometimes cause severe allergies in the consumer.
11) Long maintenance of nuts results in chemical changes, causing an unpleasant odor. So avoid using old nuts.
12) If you see holes in nuts like pistachios, hazelnuts and pistachios, you should avoid taking such snacks because the mark is pest and in the holes the insect larvae, in the form of worms of the size There is rice grain.
13) In niche supply centers, you may recycle or blend old or pestle products; pay attention to this when buying.
14) Maintaining nuts and nuts in wet places causes mildew and fungal inflammation, which also affects the appearance, odor and taste of the nose, and also causes some effects on the consumer due to the release of some toxins. Slowly
15) The walnut kernel is also very susceptible to pest and mildew pests and, as a result of keeping it in an unsuitable condition, is quickly infected with such agents. So avoid taking them off.
The abundant oil in the walnut is found in aging, changing the state and unpleasant taste, and sometimes the taste of soap, and consuming it with various effects.
16) Use of the brain of black walnuts, which is mainly due to the growth of molds and fungi, and due to the growth of these agents, causing toxic contaminants such as mycotoxins there, should be avoided.
17) Pumpkin can be used to prepare chickpea. So be careful when buying, there is no sign of pest control (visible holes).
18. Purchase and consume whole wheat flour, which has been approved by the Ministry of Health, from trusted and packaged centers.
19) If the seeds, pistachios and almonds, hands and lips are colored during the application of seeds, this sign is the use of chemical paints in the preparation of them, which you should avoid using such snacks.
20) Sunflower seeds may also be colored with black chemical color; while buying and consuming, also note that their use should be avoided.
21) Aflatoxin is one of the mold-releasing toxins that occurs when pests or hazelnuts or pistachios are inappropriate when picked up or processed or transported, which should be taken into consideration by manufacturers and consumers.
(22) The confectionery and workshops of Gaz, Sohan, Halvashari, Baklava and Ice Cream should be given the utmost care in order to ensure the health of consumers, which are made from the brain of old, pestilent and moldy pistachios that increase the release of toxins from molds ( Aflatoxin) can be avoided.
23) Avoid the use of products such as potions containing pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and the like in the uncertain health of these substances.
24) The types of nuts should be kept in a cool place.
25) Avoid purchasing and consuming all kinds of pistachios, walnut kernels and … provided by the course of the honey, because they are mainly made from contaminated products or mixed.
Over-consumption of nuts in children
Excessive consumption of nuts along with sweets and chocolate consumes gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in children. Meanwhile, it prevents the main meals from being consumed, and thus the continuation of this situation for 2 weeks during the Nowruz holiday may lead to serious problems in the feeding of children.
Baby scattering during Norouz holidays is a common phenomenon that can cause a variety of digestive disorders, especially food malnutrition. With the consumption of various foods in the main meals, malabsorption may occur, the first sign being a sore sensation in the pharynx and throat and a fever.
The reason is that inside the stomach, in the first step, starchy foods undergo digestive processes, and at the end of the process, the lipids enter the intestines. But when a lot of food and snacks are eaten together, practically the stomach is disrupted. To overcome this problem, starvation foods should be included in the main meals to compensate for the problem of heavy materials consumed during the day. Otherwise, after a few days, the child feels heavily and may even suffer from fever.
Proper regulation of the child’s diet during the holidays is one of the most important duties of parents. Some children with severe oral contractions cause severe damage to their stomach, and its complications can be very severe and overwhelming.
Add nuts to your nuts
Nowadays, in most nougat dishes, the walnut is badly missed, but it’s not bad to know that the best and most useful type of nuts is the walnut. One cup of walnut kernel contains 760 kcal of energy, 30 grams of protein, 71 grams of healthy fat and 5 milligrams of sugar, and significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, vitamin A, and several types of vitamin B. Nutrition is a rich, healthy, unsaturated and cholesterol-rich source of fats, and strengthens the nervous system, the muscular system and the heart muscle. Walnuts contain a lot of energy and can be a good source of energy for the elderly and children.
Walnuts are unique in terms of the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the nuts. Walnut consumption not only reduces harmful cholesterol, but also reduces inflammation of the blood vessels. Fatty acids in the walnut reduce heart beat abnormalities, lowering triglyceride levels and the risk of clotting, reducing arterial stiffness, lowering the risk of high blood pressure and the risk of skin and prostate cancer, and reducing behavioral abnormalities. Gets young Now judge yourself; is not really the place of walnut in your nuts?
All in all, walnuts can be considered popular diabetic nuts. Research has shown that a relatively low-fat daily diet containing 30 grams of walnuts enhances the lipid profile of type 2 diabetic patients. Walnuts can lower cell resistance to insulin, making it easier to enter the cell.
But the important thing to know about the conditions for keeping the walnut is that when the walnut is exposed to heat, its fat is oxidised and its quality and taste change.
Pistachios; small but tasty
Buying nuts, selling pistachio nuts, though small but very fresh, like all other nuts in the nuts, have unpolluted fats, which is why it helps to reduce cholesterol and maintain cardiovascular health. Since pistachios have significant amounts of copper, magnesium, and vitamins B, it also boosts the function of the immune system. There is a significant amount of iron in the pistachio brain, which is why it is known as “hematuronic” and it recommends the use of its raw type to people with anemia. The amount of fiber in pistachios is also high. The amount of vitamins, calcium and zinc in pistachios is also significant. In traditional medicine, there are many medicinal uses for the pistachio brain and both the soft and hard skin.
Almonds rich in vitamin E (E)
The highest amount of vitamin E in the nuts belongs to this almond. Almonds, apart from vitamin E and its high protein content, also contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, vitamin B 2, and niacin. It is good to know that 70% of the total fat in the almond structure is good (not saturated) fat. Canadian researchers have found that people with high cholesterol can reduce their cholesterol levels by up to 4 percent with almonds. Fiber and lactose in Almond are also significant. Almonds are very rich in calcium, which is why it can play a role in bone growth, prevent osteoporosis and protect the health of teeth. Almonds have a proactive role in various cancers, especially intestinal and prostate cancers. Antioxidants in almonds prevent the destruction of cell walls, and in turn, the preventive role of almonds in the occurrence of cancers is applied. Given the high levels of phosphorus in almonds, nutritionists recommend taking it to strengthen memory. Almonds are very fresh, and Baba Tahir did not say that “Almighty Almighty”; Almond is tasty and useful.
Niacin-rich peanuts
Peanut is a rich source of protein and, in terms of niacin, is ranked first among nuts. Niacin is the same as vitamin B3, which plays a major role in reducing the harmful fat of the blood. Research has shown that regular peanut consumption can reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes in women. This type of almonds has high amounts of unsaturated fat, magnesium and fiber. The latter two act in reducing the resistance of the cells to insulin, which is why peanut eating can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Potassium in peanuts regulates the body’s water and prevents muscle cramps during heavy exercise.
Peanut consumption is very effective in maintaining the health of the cells and reducing blood cholesterol, and since it contains high amounts of iron, zinc, vitamins, magnesium and folic acid, it has a pro-active role in the development of various cancers. The components of vitamins in peanuts help to protect the skin, hair and muscles.
Keeping nuts
Exports of nuts and nuts usually occur in August and August. Keep it intact and if the weather is hot, it will be necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. The raw dried material is gradually distributed among the suppliers, and they also sell and sell it according to the sales and customer satisfaction. Although raw nuts can hold up to one, two years in cold storage, it is better to eat roasted nuts within a few weeks. Heat and moisture increase the risk of fungal growth and can cause nuts to rot. That’s why the storage conditions for nuts are very important.
Nawziz Hamadan Nuts came a lot and wanted to leave it for later use, try to put the nuts in the cans with the skin. Of course, in this case, you can not keep nuts in the refrigerator for more than 6 months. But in the same way you can keep them for 1 year in the freezer. Keep in mind that removing them from their skin will not be more than two weeks old, provided they are placed in a cool, dry place.
More complications of sweets than nuts
The consumption of sweets also follows the general rules of nuts. With the difference that excessive consumption of sweets will have more complications compared with the excessive use of nuts.
It should be emphasized that the consumption of sugar in the world is three times the amount it needs, in other words, it should reduce the consumption of sugar to one third of the time, which is definitely a decrease in the consumption of sweets from the effective ways in this direction.
Experts say that sweets are more important in terms of high energy content, especially those that contain dense energy, in obesity and weight gain.
Excessive consumption of sweetness in children, due to reduced appetite and false care, leads to a shortage of other nutrients needed for the development of this group, as well as the use of some ingredients such as colors, cocoa and others in the preparation and decorating of sweets on its complications. increases.
Watch out for your teeth
Dental problems are one of the problems caused by excessive consumption of sweets and chocolates in children, especially if after every time they do not take into account the health of teeth and brushing, it is recommended that during this time, more attention be paid to the health of the teeth. And the use of toothbrushes is not limited to meals and do not forget to brush after nuts and sweets.
Drink water
Another change that occurs during the New Year’s holidays in people’s nutrition is the dramatic drop in water consumption.
In fact, water consumption in people is reduced due to seeing and spending a long time outside the home, and this can cause problems for human health, the most striking being the occurrence of constipation. Water is one of the most important and useful substances that prevents constipation and, with decreasing consumption, this discomfort is especially susceptible to those who are prone to it. Water intake is also essential for modulating the internal reactions of the body and maintaining the vitality and health of the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to plan regular water for drinking water and do not forget this vital ingredient during the days of Nowruz.
No one can claim to eat a piece of nuts or nuts. You need to know that with this one you can punch a few beams. Increase your life and make it more tactful.
An American study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that a daily consumption of a fraction of nuts adds 20% of life to overweight and helps in weight loss and fitness. For many years, the use of nuts has been banned by mistake for people who have been on a slimming diet; but today, experts say that dry and sour fruits do not only cause obesity, but also contribute to fitness and increase the life span of 20%. Please do not miss out on reading the story.
Ingredients and Properties of Nuts
The oily brains or the delicious ingredients of nuts have wonderful properties. By consuming these nutritious foods, you will receive a significant amount of unsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins (folate, niacin, vitamin E), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium) and other nutrient compounds like carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols. All of these compounds have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. You should know that taking these foods reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome (large stomach) is a serious threat to the health of the cardiovascular system.
In addition, Spanish researchers believe that the use of oily seeds and oils with olive oil is beneficial for health and well-being. So you can eat peanut butter, almonds and so on without grieving yourself, only if you have 30 grams or more per day. The same daily intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular mortality by 29 percent and reduces the risk of cancer deaths by 11 percent.
The consumption of nuts causes satiety and preventing high blood sugar
Seeds and oily nuts contain beneficial fats and omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and phytosterols, which is why they are good for health. Since these brains contain useful fats, they can cause long-term dryness. So it helps in weight loss and fitness.
You should know that nuts prevent fast blood sugar growth, which also helps in fitness. Because high levels of insulin cause sugar to be stored in fat. It’s true that oily beans and greens contain a lot of calories and fat, but you can still help your body fit your body properly and regularly. Because in addition to the feeling of satiety, your desire to consume spinach and processed food and reduce the industry.
Nuts and Weight Loss
Eat nuts to burn energy at rest
The consumption of beans and oily nuts increases the metabolism of the base of the body. Research results show that nursing increases basal metabolism by up to 11%. Thus, a person whose base metabolism has 1500 calories a day can increase his metabolism by up to 11% with the use of almond, which means he burns more calories a day. This extra calorie burns up to 7kg by the end of the year.
Nuts will keep you from the lack of vitamins derived from slimming diets
Seeds and oily nuts play an important role in boosting good cholesterol and reducing bad blood cholesterol. These foods are also a great source of fiber, protein, vitamin E, folic acid, copper, magnesium, and amino acids. You should know that by following the diets of the body, you will be faced with the necessary nutrient deficiency, especially if the diet you choose is hard on those diets. Fortunately, using nuts is the best way to provide nutrients to your body and prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. So if you’ve got a diet, be sure to eat nuts.
Some important points
We recommend that you follow the correct principles of slimming. It is true that the seeds and brains help in fitness, but before starting to use it, there are a few things to say about the slimy ones:
* Be careful not to be allergic to nuts.
* Do not indulge in any food. Our recommendations do not mean to eat nuts instead of lunch and dinner. Each day, add as much as a handful of these beans and oily beans to a cup and add to the same amount.
* Never place a large container of nuts on your hands. Nuts on TV are not a good idea until the end of a cinematic movie.
* You can also add these oily seeds to your salad. As much as possible, you can restrict the use of saturated fats such as cakes and sweets, biscuits, chips and other snacks and replace nuts.
In terms of nutrition, the brain’s seeds are a source of energy and nutrients, and they eat different properties for human beings. Nuts contain a relatively high amount of calories, essential unsaturated fats, including linoleic acid and linolenic acid, vitamins and amino acids. Also, many nuts are good sources of vitamin E, vitamin B2, folate (vitamin B9), fiber and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and selenium.
The daily consumption of nuts increases the immune system, and this property is due to the presence of a substance called antioxidant. Nutrient nutrients in the brain help grow children and adolescents, while various research suggests that nuts are also effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
While salty nuts are more delicious! But the healthiest nuts, it’s raw, or so-called. You can get more information about the health benefits of nuts.
Walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and peanuts are especially important in reducing cardiovascular disease.
Hazelnut, in addition to having the above properties, is one of the important sources of manganese that causes insulin secretion (diabetes prevention or diabetes), the production of blood coagulation proteins, and the metabolism of fats in the body. Arginine (Arginine) is one of the other ingredients in hazelnut. Arginine releases growth hormone, improves the weight and height of children and adolescents, secretes insulin, as well as produces nitric acid, which widens the blood vessels and prevents hypertension.
Peanut is also effective in liver metabolism due to the presence of compounds called choline and lecithin, and in the absence of these substances, complications such as fat accumulation in the body and obesity, infertility And anemia. This seed brain contains prodrugs for producing thyroid hormones.
Pistachio has a significant amount of iron and vitamins in preventing anemia.
Almond, along with other cerebrospinal grains, prevents osteoporosis due to its calcium content.
Despite all the positive points mentioned for nuts, the high consumption of nuts is not recommended at all. Because:
Nuts contain a significant amount of fat. Despite the usefulness of fat in these foods, excessive brain use of the seeds causes overweight and obesity.
Excessive consumption of nuts due to late digestion causes many digestive disorders such as bloating, nausea and vomiting.
High intake of nuts due to the high amount of salt that is used during the preparation increases blood pressure. People with diseases like diabetes, especially blood pressure, should use raw nuts.
The nutritional value of 100 g of roasted nuts with salt:
Calories: 615 calories
Carbohydrate Information:
Total carbohydrate: 22.3 g
Dietary fiber: 5.5 g
Sugar: 4.4 grams
Information Vitamins:
Thiamine (B1): 0.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2): 0.5 mg
Niacin (B3): 2.0 mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5): 1.0 mg
Pyridoxine (B6): 0.2 mg
Folic acid or folate (B9): 56.0 μg
Choline: 51.2 mg
Vitamin A (A): 8.0 IU
Beta-carotene: 4.0 micrograms
Beta-Cryptosksantin: 1.0 μg
Lutein: 22.0 μg
Vitamin C (e): 0.5 mg
Vitamin E (E): 8.2 mg
Vitamin K (Ca): 17.9 micrograms
Protein and amino acids information:
Protein: 15.5 g
Tryptophan: 252 mg
Threonine: 568 mg
Isulosin: 703 mg
Leucine: 1265 mg
Lysine: 682 mg
Methionine: 346 mg
Cystine: 302 mg
Phenylalanine: 820 mg
Tyrosine: 510 mg
Valine: 952 mg
Arginine: 1989 mg
Histidine: 416 mg
Alanine: 715 mg
Spastic acid: 1617 mg
Glutamic acid: 3872 mg
Glycine: 844 mg
Proline: 773 mg
Serine: 1620 mg
Fat and fatty acids information:
Total fat: 56.2 g
Total omega-3 fatty acids: 249 mg
Total omega-6 fatty acids: 11137 mg
Mineral Information:
Calcium: 106 mg
Copper: 1.8 mg
Iron: 2.6 mg
Magnesium: 251 mg
Manganese: 1.5 mg
P: 449 mg
Selenium: 421 micrograms
Zinc: 4.7 mg
Sodium: 306 mg
Potassium: 544 mg
There is also an important point in buying nuts. At the time of buying nuts, be sure to consider just how well the seeds are kept. Because in case of inappropriate maintenance or keeping in a humid place, the possibility of mildew in these foods is very high. Due to mildew of nuts, a toxic substance called aflatoxin (Aflatoxin) is produced that has an important role in the development of liver cancer.
Nuts are one of the most commonly used foods in Nowruz during the New Year’s Eve. This food composition consists of several different substances, including pistachios, almonds, raisins and …. Cited. In this article, we are going to introduce you to ditches and nuggets, as well as properties and at the same time, nuts.
What is nuts and what is not?
Nuts are commonly referred to as granular fruits that grow on blooming trees or direct shrubs. One of the mistakes about nuts is that people often think that peanut is also part of this group. Peanut may be delicious, but not of nuts, like peas and beans, a kind of peanut (beans). (Grains eaten inside a shell) and often grow in the ground.
However, soy beans also have a lot of properties, but generally they can not be classified as nuts. Soya nuts are usually obtained by drying or heating soybeans, which is why they belong to the grains subgroup.
When you go to the grocery store to buy gourmet nuts, there are usually a few major options to come. In other words, many vendors have already prepared several types of combinations for your Nowruz nuts, these are:
1) Salted Nuts: This type of nuts consists of pistachios, pumpkin seeds, Japanese seedlings, almonds, hazelnuts and Indian almonds. Some people add almonds to this aggregate. Unfortunately, this kind of nuts is the most common and popular type of nuts in Nowruz. Why, we say, unfortunately, the answer is simple and clear. Just look at the adjectives that accompany the word nuts: “Passion!” Who is the one who has not heard or read anything about the effects of increased salt intake and harmful risks these days?
2) Sweet Nuts: Includes Walnut, Raisins, Dried Berries, Hazelnuts, Pistachio Brains, Almonds, and Indian Almonds. Although this type of nuts is less popular than the rest of the nuts in Nowruz, the presence of walnuts in this compound is a very big advantage.
3) Four Brain Nuts: These nuts consist of almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts and Indian almonds.
4) Problems with nuts: Some people believe that the presence of nuts, even in small volumes, will be pleasant for the landlord, along with the main nuts container or on the Haftinsen table, and so they will make some of these nuts. The problem with nuts is the combination of hazelnut, pistachio, almonds, dried berries, raisins, chick peas and quiche.
5) Personal taste: We all have a different option to buy Nowruz nuts, and this is our own style; this means we can buy any of the items of nuts to our liking and personal taste. Combine them together. Among the various items of nuts, customers are usually most welcomed from pistachios, and then, depending on the variety of seeds, almonds, Indian hazelnuts and hazelnuts, are considered.
6) Imported Nuts: Today, niche shops and niche stores, Indian, Thai and Japanese nuts are also available to customers for their colorful flavors. In this type of nuts, there are also strata, corn, chickpea and bean. Of course, it seems unlikely that anyone would want to decorate his eating table with East Asian colored nuts.
Recommendations for buying healthy nuts
Nuts are foods that we all are accustomed to buying them in an open, or so-called, flap. Perhaps you, like many others, do not know your soul at all, so you can get nuts in the form of a packed sanitary napkin. Of course, many people also know this, but they prefer to make their purchase in a flip shape, and for this they have several reasons, including: Open nuts are cheaper than packed ones, you can buy them at least the desired amount. It can be tweaked and tested before you buy, and no additional charges will be paid for it.
But the reality is something else. Storage conditions, how to prepare and process, the amount and type of paint used and many other factors that play a role in the health of nuts. Preparing nuts packed with health certificates means that the buyer can be comfortable on these aspects.
Another important point is that nuts and dried fruits have the potential for contamination with fungal toxins such as aflatoxin. Industrial units are required to measure aflatoxin on their products, given the health certificates, regulations, and guidelines of the Ministry of Health, but these measurements do not take place in the traditional nuts and nut products, and the product can not be detected.
But if for any reason you prefer to make your purchase the same way as traditional, try to follow these tips when choosing and buying Norouz nuts:
1) Try to buy your nuts as much as possible from reputable stores that offer quality fresh goods. Avoid buying or buying from buyers.
2) When buying nuts, just note that. The new nuts should not have any unpleasant smell: no odor, no smell of persistence, no smell, no smell of rancidity.
3) Look carefully at the nuts. The presence of a hole or mildew is an indication of the aging of the nuts. If among the nuts you saw dead or dead insects, know that the nuts are old and corrupt.
4) Put some nuts in your fist and wait a bit. Then empty the nuts and see if you have painted the color on your hands or not. The return of the color is a sign that the nuts are unsafe. According to the instructions of the health authorities, the use of any color, even authorized colors, is prohibited in the production of nuts. It is not bad to know that in the production and supply of packaged nuts and sanitary napkins, no color is used and, if necessary, use natural colors such as saffron and turmeric.
5) Another point in the color of the nuts is to avoid buying pistachios that have a very yellow, shiny or reddish-colored skin. Draw round the thick seeds. They are forced to use artificial colors in this way.
6) Avoid smiles. Do you know how to make pistachios in a smile? They pour them in warm water to drain, then they are poured into a cold water dish to soothe their skin. This sudden temperature difference, or so-called thermal shock, negatively affects the quality of pistachios and, in addition, does not cause pistachios. These pistachios become corrupted sooner.
7) Smile grains are not a good choice to buy. The seeds of the brain when in the vicinity of the air, in addition to the taste, also lose their quality and become more corrupt than any type of sealant.
8. As already mentioned, who is really not aware of the harm done to salt? So try to make the gooseneck you choose not to be salty and less well-groomed.
9) Avoid buying and consuming painted nuts.
10) The colors used to color the seeds, almonds, etc., are mostly unauthorized and sometimes cause severe allergies in the consumer.
11) Long maintenance of nuts results in chemical changes, causing an unpleasant odor. So avoid using old nuts.
12) If you see holes in nuts like pistachios, hazelnuts and pistachios, you should avoid taking such snacks because the mark is pest and in the holes the insect larvae, in the form of worms of the size There is rice grain.
13) In niche supply centers, you may recycle or blend old or pestle products; pay attention to this when buying.
14) Maintaining nuts and nuts in wet places causes mildew and fungal inflammation, which also affects the appearance, odor and taste of the nose, and also causes some effects on the consumer due to the release of some toxins. Slowly
15) The walnut kernel is also very susceptible to pest and mildew pests and, as a result of keeping it in an unsuitable condition, is quickly infected with such agents. So avoid taking them off.
The abundant oil in the walnut is found in aging, changing the state and unpleasant taste, and sometimes the taste of soap, and consuming it with various effects.
16) Use of the brain of black walnuts, which is mainly due to the growth of molds and fungi, and due to the growth of these agents, causing toxic contaminants such as mycotoxins there, should be avoided.
17) Pumpkin can be used to prepare chickpea. So be careful when buying, there is no sign of pest control (visible holes).
18. Purchase and consume whole wheat flour, which has been approved by the Ministry of Health, from trusted and packaged centers.
19) If the seeds, pistachios and almonds, hands and lips are colored during the application of seeds, this sign is the use of chemical paints in the preparation of them, which you should avoid using such snacks.
20) Sunflower seeds may also be colored with black chemical color; while buying and consuming, also note that their use should be avoided.
21) Aflatoxin is one of the mold-releasing toxins that occurs when pests or hazelnuts or pistachios are inappropriate when picked up or processed or transported, which should be taken into consideration by manufacturers and consumers.
(22) The confectionery and workshops of Gaz, Sohan, Halvashari, Baklava and Ice Cream should be given the utmost care in order to ensure the health of consumers, which are made from the brain of old, pestilent and moldy pistachios that increase the release of toxins from molds ( Aflatoxin) can be avoided.
23) Avoid the use of products such as potions containing pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and the like in the uncertain health of these substances.
24) The types of nuts should be kept in a cool place.
25) Avoid purchasing and consuming all kinds of pistachios, walnut kernels and … provided by the course of the honey, because they are mainly made from contaminated products or mixed.
General Properties
Each type of nuts has many properties. It has saturated fat, a plant that lowers blood cholesterol and prevents heart attacks.
Most of them have protein. The type of protein found in nuts is called Arjini. It is a prerequisite for the production of nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels’ blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
Finally, it should be added that most types of nuts are a good source of vitamins and fiber, and make your body functioning smoothly.
Add nuts to your nuts
Nowadays, in most nougat dishes, the walnut is bad, but it’s not bad to know that the best and most useful type of nuts is the walnut. A cups of walnuts have 760 kcal energy, 30 grams of protein, 71 grams of healthy fat and 5 milligrams of sugar, and significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, vitamin A, and several types of vitamin B. The walnut brain is a rich source of healthy, unsaturated and cholesterol-free fats, and strengthens the nervous system, the muscular system and the muscles of the heart. Walnut contains a lot of energy and can be a good source of energy for the elderly and children.
Walnuts are unique in terms of the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the nuts. Walnut consumption not only reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol, but also reduces the inflammation of the blood vessels. The fatty acids in the walnut reduce heart rate abnormalities, reduce the amount of triglycerides and the risk of clotting, reduces the speed of hardening of the arteries, increases the risk of high blood pressure and the risk of skin and prostate cancer, and reduces behavioral abnormalities. Gets young Now judge yourself; is not really the place of walnut in your nuts?
All in all, walnuts can be considered popular diabetic nuts. Research has shown that a relatively low-fat daily diet containing 30 grams of walnuts will improve the blood lipid profile of type 2 diabetic patients. Walnuts can lower cell resistance to insulin, making it easier to enter the cell.
But the important thing to know about the conditions for keeping the walnut is that when the walnut is exposed to heat, its fat is oxidised and its quality and taste change.
Over-consumption of nuts in children
Excessive consumption of nuts along with the use of sweets and chocolate causes digestive problems such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in children. Meanwhile, it prevents the main meals from being consumed, and thus the continuation of this situation for 2 weeks during the Nowruz holiday may lead to serious problems in feeding children.
Toddlers at Norouz Holidays are a common phenomenon that can cause a variety of digestive disorders, especially food malnutrition. With a variety of food intake between the main meals, malabsorption may occur, with the first sign being pickled in the pharynx and throat and fever.
The reason is that inside the stomach, in the first place, starchy foods undergo digestive processes, and in the end, the fats enter the intestines. But when a lot of food and snacks are eaten together, practically the stomach is disrupted. To overcome this problem, fast foods should be included in the main meals to compensate for the problem of heavy materials consumed during the day. Otherwise, after a few days, the baby will feel very heavy and may even suffer from fever.
Adjusting the correct diet for a child during a holiday is one of the most important duties of the parent. Some children with severe exacerbations cause severe damage to their stomach, which can be very severe and severe.
Keeping nuts
Nuts and nuts usually come in August and August. Keep it intact and if the weather is hot, it will be necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. The raw dried material is gradually distributed among the suppliers, and they also sell and sell it according to the sales and customer satisfaction. Although raw nuts can hold up to one, two years in cold storage, it is better to eat roasted nuts within a few weeks. Heat and humidity increase the risk of fungal growth and can lead to corn nuts. That’s why the conditions for keeping nuts are very important.
If your Novruzian Nuts come out and want to leave it for later use, try placing the nuts in the sealed containers with the skin. Of course, in this case, you can not keep nuts in the refrigerator for more than 6 months. But in the same way you can keep them for 1 year in the freezer. Keep in mind that removing them from their skin will not be more than two weeks old, provided they are placed in a cool, dry place.
More complications of sweets than nuts
Consuming sweets also follows the general rules for nuts. The difference is that excess consumption of confectionery will have more complications compared to the excessive consumption of nuts.
It should be emphasized that the amount of sugar used in the world is three times as much as it is, that is, it should reduce the consumption of sugar to one third of the current, which will surely reduce the consumption of sweets from the effective ways in this direction.
Experts say that sweets are more important in obesity and weight gain than nuts because of their high energy content, especially those that contain dense energy.
Excessive consumption of sweets in children, due to reduced appetite and false satiety, leads to a shortage of other nutrients needed for the development of this group; the use of certain compounds such as colors, cacao and other ingredients in the preparation and decorating of sweets on its side effects. increases.
Watch out for your teeth
Dental problems are one of the problems caused by excessive consumption of sweets and chocolates in children, especially if you do not pay attention to tooth decay and tooth brushing after each use, it is recommended that you pay more attention to dental health during these days. And the use of toothbrushes is not limited to meals and do not forget to brush after using nuts and sweets.
Drink water
Another change that occurs during the New Year’s holidays is that it is typically consumed by people, a dramatic reduction in water consumption.
In fact, due to seeing and visiting a long time away from home, water consumption in humans decreases and this can create problems for human health, most notably, the occurrence of constipation. Water is one of the most important and useful substances that prevents constipation and, with reduced consumption, this discomfort is especially susceptible to those who are prone to it. Water intake is also essential for modulating the body’s internal reactions and maintaining the health and well-being of the skin. So it is advisable to plan regularly for drinking water and do not forget this vital ingredient during the Nowruz days.
Sina Gostar is a manufacturer and exporter of high quality garlic with the lowest price in the world